The Texas 4000 riders finished their second day of riding yesterday and now approaching the Texas Panhandle. They may be facing some rain in the next couple of days. Let’s hope they brought their rain gear. Some nights they camp out and other nights are in motels. Not easy to find hotel accommodations for about 30 people in some small towns.
But they are tough! Nearly 1000 students apply each year to participate in the Texas 4000 organization. Those who are admitted spend a year learning to do public speaking and organizing fund raising programs for cancer research. And, yes, they ride bicycles, too. They must demonstrate their physical and mental strength to do long day rides of 100 miles. Those who are successful are then invited to join the group for the annual ride to Anchorage. During that year, they do more riding and continue with fund raising activities. At the end of the second year, they start for Anchorage. And the Sierra group will arrive on Friday, June 7 in Santa Fe.
SOB riders will meet the group at Eldorado and lead them to their motel in the Rail Yard District. Riding down Old Santa Fe Trail and into the Plaza is exciting, riding with about 35 in the group. The size of the group demands attention and cars give wide berth to the group, even on the narrow roads and streets of Santa Fe.
And then there’s is dinner at the Las Campanas Country Club with the riders, their van drivers, and the alumni of the University of Texas. The evening starts with a social time and then a great dinner in the dining room. Texas riders split to sit at different tables to join SOB members, spouses, friends, and the alumni. During the event at the Country Club, one gets into some real conversations with the students. They are eager to talk. And they are always impressed with Santa Fe. Each year they comment on how amazing it is to find themselves in New Mexico and comment on how green it is after days in the Panhandle.
When you’re at dinner, you might sit with Ruthvik Allala who is a junior at the University of Texas majoring in biology and sociology. Born in Hyderbad, India. he emigrated to Texas t the age of two with his parents. His home town is Austin. Ruthvik is in a pre-med program and volunteers much time to several community organizations that provide health and wellness services to the homeless and others without resources. His grandmother was a victim of cancer but gave great meaning to his own life as he grew up.
The program:
Friday, June 7–Meet the Texas 4000 riders at the Agora Market in Eldorado at 2:00 p.m. and ride into Santa Fe
Friday, June 7 at 6:00 p.m. Meet at the Las Campanas Country Club for social time and dinner. A short program provided by 5 students on the ride will explain their goals and the purposes of the ride.
To inform the management of the number of those attending the dinner, please send me an email with the name of any guest coming with you. Send the email to me at
A closing question: How tired would you be after riding a week from Austin and pedaling north from Clines Corner only to meet a fresh group of SOB riders at Eldorado eager to show those youngens who is the champ?
Submitted by Bill Pollock
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