• SOB Board Minutes
  • Date: Saturday, March 3, 2018
  • Time: 9:00 – 11:00am
  • Place: El Castillo Community Room
  • 250 Alameda Ave.
  • Santa Fe, NM

Call to Order: 9:02

Club Directors Present

  • Judy Costlow
  • Edwin Crosswhite
  • Steve Gitomer
  • Ian Norrish,
  • Bob Bogart
  • Lore Thorpe
  • Lynn Pickard
  • Shirley Knarr


  • Pam Reynolds


Treasurer: Steve

  • The club is solvent with a strong bank balance.

Ride Director: Judy

  • Ride safety issues were discussed. All riders are responsible for riding in a safe manner and along with the ride leader and their HERO are responsible to maintain a safe group ride.
  • Bob, Ian, and Edwin will develop a 20 question safety survey/quiz for club riders and post it on the web to be completed by all SOBs.

Education: Edwin

  • Bike Safety Class will be taught this year after the season has begun. Some alternate venues were suggested for these classes.
  • Ride Leader Training will be later in the year.

Web Master: Ian

  • Blue Host is the new web provider. the URL will go directly to Bob’s account. The projected cost is $15.00 per year.
  • There are 256 members on the BLOG with 55% usage.
  • The Ride Survey was gone over in detail with several items discussed in detail. It was noted that information from the survey was helpful in the development of the 2018 Ride Calendar.
  • When practicable, there would only be three different ride lengths (A, B, and C) with the pluses and minuses indicating different speeds.

Membership: Bob

  • Current Membership is 92
  • The new system of completing the waiver and application on line is working very well.
  • Life Members will be notified that they are required to complete the Ride Waiver each year.

Social Director: Lore

  • The Mid-Season and End of Year Luncheons will be held at the same locations as last year. There will be optional menu item (other than New Mexican) at lunches
  • Brian Morgan will join the Elite Eighty’s group this year.
  • Jim Cost will turn 90 years old. It was decided that he would be a guest of the SOBs at all club luncheons in the future.

Bike Advocate: Lynn

  • Steve will be doing  the Non-Profit annual filings.

Sponsors: Shirley

  • Jerry Shere is the new manager atSpin Doc. A list of club members will be given to each sponsor in April when it is more finalized.

Ad Hoc Rides: Bob

  • There are two different starting points for the Saturday rides which will be posted in the ride calendar.
  • The club insurance covers the riders on these rides (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday) as it is an SOB sponsored event. Visitors need to complete a waiver.

Action Item

  1. For the clubs 20th anniversary it was not clear from the survey what the members wanted to do.  The Board decided that Ian would prepare a survey. The choices are: 1. bring back the original SOB jersey design as commemorative jersey , 2. create a Bandana, 3. do both, 4. do nothing. The Hincapie Jersey would still be available.
  2. The idea of creating a C- group was discussed. The feelings of the Board was that the Ride Leader should deal with these situation on an individual basis and not create a new group.
  3. The club will have sign-in sheets at each ride. Since the club has several rides with dual starting points it was decided that Edwin would e-mail the sign-in sheet to the individual ride leaders and they would have the riders in their group sign them. After the ride these sheets would be given to Edwin for a permanent record.
  4. Club 20 will not be done this year.

Adjourn: 11:15

  • Respectively submitted:
    Edwin Crosswhite
    SOB Secretary


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