Bike Santa Fe is offering Smart Cycling, a bicycle safety course developed by the League of American Bicyclists, on 6 and 8 September, 2018. The instructors are certified by the League.

Prior to the start of the class, participants will take an online course at their convenience that includes written material and videos. Then, on the evening of 6 September, we will hold the classroom portion of the course where we will review what was learned online, and also provide instruction on some basic bicycle maintenance (e.g., repairing a flat tire). There will be a written exam covering the online material. On 8 September, we will hold the on-bike portion of the class in the morning where we will practice skills in a parking lot. In the afternoon, we will go on a ride on city streets to implement all the skills that have been taught, both online and on-bike.

The class is oriented for those who know how to ride, but would like to improve their skill and comfort riding in an urban environment, both on streets and multi-use trails. In addition to bike handling skills, we will emphasize proper traffic skills (e.g., lane positioning). A bicycle in good working condition (e.g., brakes and shifters work) is required. Helmets are also required.

Cost for the class is $20, most of which covers the cost of the instruction manual which the student may keep. We ask for payment in advance, as we have had issues with no-shows in the past.

If you are interested, please contact:

Gary Schiffmiller

League Certified Instructor # 2839

505-204-8978 (call or text)

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