The tentative ABQ start ride for Nov 20 has been moved to December, maybe the 13th, still TBD on exact date, depending on weather etc.
So on Tuesday we will start at DeVargas as usual at 10am
Thursday, Turkey Day, we will start at 599 at 10am for a SHORT ride, 1.5 to 2 hours depending on preferences at the time. We can make this a one group ride for all abilities, again depending on how many show up.
Saturday there is the Santa Fe Fall Bike Fiesta at Santa Fe Brewing on NM 14 near 599. Here is a link: ride starts at 0900 and right now the weather is ccccold. The fiesta extends from noon to 5 so we could do our normal Sat ride and then head over there for the fiesta part. Just sayin’
Whatever you do, Stay Safe and Happy Thanksgiving.