Date:  Monday, June 24, 2019

Time:12:00 – 5:00 pm

Place: Santa Fe Southside Library

6599 Jaguar Dr.  Santa Fe, NM 87507


Judy Costlow, SOB Leader Responsibilities

Edwin Crosswhite, Group Management

Lynn Pickard, Legal Issues, Riding Safely

Monica Steidele, First Aid

The SOBs are always interested in expanding the pool of ride leaders. We offer a very informative half-day course that leads to certification as a ride leader. Please consider taking this valuable course and joining our group of ride leaders (or refreshing your skills as a ride leader if you already are one).

This is your opportunity to become an SOB Ride Leader. You can enroll at the sign-in table at the SOB Rides or e-mail:

Information about the class will be sent to those that register.



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