Hi SOB’s.

Several notes (some repeated) about the new website and the upcoming ride season.

It was suggested that we make it easier to find the Ride Calendar so I changed the name of “Events” in the top level menu to “Ride Calendar”.   That page has BOTH scheduled and ad hoc rides, although at present there are no ad hoc rides posted.  And it will contain both road and off road rides.  As well as Social Events.  (NOTE:  I have been re-posting all of the 2016 Thursday rides due to a glitch in the website that corrupted the rides that I had posted earlier.  I apologize for the repeat email(s) but there is no way to disable it.  I will try to do all the remaining rides on one or two days.)

Currently there are about 22 people signed up to receive an email when a road ride is posted and 14 for off road rides.  If you have been getting an email digest once a day listing new ride postings then you are signed up.  If you have only been getting the “Posts from Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes” emails then you are NOT signed up.  If you want to sign up then you need a login to the site.  If you were on the old ad hoc site you already have a login.  If were not on the old ad hoc site then you need one.  Just send an email to admin@sfsob.cosine-santafe.com and I or Ian will create your login.

Once you are logged into the site, you go to Ride Calendar and under the drop down menu select Groups.  You will see the 3 groups and you will see the button to Join or Leave a group.  Join the ones you want to get emails from.  Also read the help section for more information.

Please ask if you have ANY questions.

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