Edwin Crosswhite Passed Away on August 18, 2023

Edwin Crosswhite prepares for his last bike ride.
Yuko Crosswhite and Edwin enjoyed 57 years of marriage. Yuko took the picture of Edwin above as he prepared to go on what was to become his last bike ride. At this time he was diagnosed with Lymphoma and given the prognosis that he had few choices available. Edwin, along with Yuko, chose Assisted Death by Physician. Members who want to send cards to Yuko, please use this mailing address: 2105 Paseo Ponderosa, Santa Fe, NM 87501.
In his will, Edwin said he did not want a funeral or any kind of ceremony. Still, we can comment, especially since he was such a wonderful person in the memories of all of us.
Yuko has graciously provided some of the information to provide us with information out of Edwin’s past.
Edwin taught elementary schools in Fullerton, California and Santa Fe. He still found, long after he had retired, his connection to the education of children by teaching chess at least once a week after school in various locations in Santa Fe, including Eldorado, almost until he died.. He just thought being right there with them was born in him. Edwin worked two contractual terms teaching in the Cairo American College in Cairo, Egypt. He helped found a bicycle riding club in Egypt. We often saw him riding here wearing his Cairo jersey. Talk about a hot ride! Edwin could do that! Edwin recognized that the club was attracting older riders who wanted to resume long ago passions for riding but who were excited about the “Group D” that Edwin formed. These riders would arrive at the Thursday rides and Edwin, with assistance from other members, would plan and lead a ride just for them. Just the right ride–just the right guy to lead it.
And we all remember Edwin in his SOB kit sitting at the registration for the Santa Fe Century to invite new members to join. Or Edwin attending meetings of the Santa Fe Cycling Community urging concerns for safety and better road conditions. And he organized and led training sessions for Ride Leader certification. And who can forget going to a city park to organize and direct a safety program for children between five and 10 years old, showing them how to wear a helmet for the first time?
Edwin was a veteran, having served for four years during “peace time.” Edwin told Yuko that to toughen up in the Navy, he boxed. But he was quickly knocked out and immediately found other interests before discharge. He volunteered many hours and weeks to Boy Scouts of America and to many other educational activities. While in high school, he played as a running back on the local team. I wish I could tell him that I recently read that NFL teams no longer use or want running backs. I know he would get a laugh.
Most of us knew Edwin as one who knew everything there was to know about bicycling. He could build a bike from scratch as he did the one he rode with us. He could repair and replace parts. . Edwin could give anyone a tip or method to improve the fun of the ride. Riding through new scenery, he would stop at a local winery to taste the products and even bring a bottle stashed on his bike. We wouldn’t be surprised to find ourselves with riding 5 or 8 more miles to get to a winery whose sign he saw out on the highway.
When Yuko and Edwin decided to move to Santa Fe, they were already living here. Yuko was enrolled in he Southwest Acupuncture College, and Edwin was teaching in the district. Yuko’s father had been interned during World War II in the nice-sounding War Relocation Camp here in Santa Fe. Connections have a way of re-connecting. They liked it up in the hills above on the Ski Road.
In his earlier days with the SOBs, Edwin used to ride the group ride–but that was after his downhill ride from his house. And after the ride over, after coffee or lunch, Edwin then got on his bike and rode all the way back up to their house. His decision to drive his car to and from the house made the rest of us feel stronger, somehow.
If members feel inclined, post a couple of sentences on this SOB website to share them.
Edwin always made us each feel better. Thank you, Edwin.
Submitted by–Bill Pollock
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