Dear Subscribers,

A month or so back, we decided we needed to simplify our multiple websites, Ad Hoc Ride sites, blog sites and on road/off road groups.

To that end, Bob Bogart and I have designed and built (actually mostly Bob) a new whizbang, combined website/Blogsite and Ad hoc group rides site.

We have made the new site live tonight and this email is coming from the new site, with the good news  that if you wish to continue to receive an email when new content appears on the Blog, you need do nothing.

Your current subscription has been carried over to the new site.

Please check out our work at the following link:

This will bring up the Home Page of the new Web-site and from the top toolbar you can navigate to the new Blogsite, visit the Events tab, including the Ride groups,

The new Blogsite can also be accessed from the`following link:

For a trial period, we have opened the posts for comments, which you can enter at the bottom of each post, and of course we would love to get you impressions, not only of each post, but also how you feel about the new site.

Happy Holidays,

Ian & Bob

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