Hi Folks,

Here are some upcoming Fall events SOB riders might be interested in riding. This list is by no means complete; add events as you deem appropriate…
1. 09 Sep (Sun): Enchanted Circle Century; Red River, NM. Last year we have folks ride the circuit!
2. 16 Sep (Sun): Tour de Acoma; Sky City Casino, I-40 Exit 102, Acoma Pueblo, NM. (58 miles west of I25/I40 interchange ABQ). is a 100, 50 and 25-mile bike challenge covering some of the most breathtaking lands on the Acoma and Laguna Pueblo reservations. An all-paved course that offers both the experienced and recreational cyclist a challenging and rare opportunity to ride through normally restricted tribal lands. Last year we have folks ride the circuit!
3. 22 Sep (Sat): Taos, Mora Valley, Angel Fire Gran Fondo Century; Taos, NM. We might be able to drive up to Taos early Saturday morning (8:00AM Race start) to avoid a Friday night motel stay. This event was not held last year due to road construction on the course.
4. 30 Sep (Sun): Santa Fe Wine and Chile Fest Gran Fondo; Four Seasons, Santa Fe.  A 75-mile, 45-mile or 25-mile loop from the Four Seasons Rancho Encantado takes you through the historic villages of Nambé, Cundiyo, Truchas and Chimayo with food stops along the route. Celebrate the finish of your ride back at the Four Seasons with tacos by Zacatecas and Champagne Piper-Heidsieck. Sleep, Ride, Eat, Drink, Repeat!
5. 06 Oct (Sat): Tour de Taco (60 Miles), Clovis, NM. This is a FLAT ride… YAHOO! The 60 mile ride will go from the Clovis Taco Box to the Portales Taco Box and back. Ride is flat, with mild undulations. Portales elevation (4006 ft.) is 262 ft below Clovis (4268 Ft.). With advanced notice, Larry can coordinate Friday night visitor quarters at Cannon AFB. Last year we had a good SOB turn-out riding for tacos!!
6. 13 Oct (Sat): Gila Monster Gran Fondo; Silver City, NM. The course follows the iconic Tour of the Gila “Gila Monster” road race, covering some of the most stunning routes in New Mexico. For the Gran Fondo-115 and Medio Fondo-78 rides will start and finish in Silver City, at Gough Park. For the shorter Nano Fondo-40, riders will start at Camp Thunderbird, with shuttle service from town, and finish at Gough Park. Tom, Rick and Larry rode the circuit last year.
7. 28 Oct (Sat): Day of the Tread; Albuquerque, NM. Fun ride in ABQ. SOB had a good number of riders last year!
I am sure there are other events SOB riders have participated in. Add events as you deem appropriate…
Ride safe,

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