Judy is set to leave Kona on Thursday night and she will arrive in Santa Fe Friday afternoon. There is a 4-hour layover in Phoenix, but the medical people told her this would be good because she will want to move around a bit after the long ride from Hawaii and the ride to Santa Fe.
Judy has been using a cane in preparation for the trip. She does not plan to use a walker on the plane.
It’s a good thing she is leaving tomorrow as her supply of wine has run out. And the roommate who was moving into the room? Didn’t work out, since Judy only listens to classical music. And her roommate only listened to ukulele recordings. Besides, Judy doesn’t do the hula either.
To celebrate the departure, Judy has her Uber driver scheduled to take her to a coffee shop she found and liked on the bike tour. And Judy says she had a great time on the tour and felt strong and ready for it. Even with the injury, Judy had a great time on a bicycle!
This will likely be the last report. As Walter Cronkite said at the end of his newscasts, “That’s the way it was. Good night!”
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