SOB Board Meeting

  • Date: October 11, 2016
  • Time: 1:15 pm
  • Place: Santa Fe Bar & Grill
  • 187 Paseo de Peralta
  • Santa Fe, NM


President – Judy Costlow

Secretary – Edwin Crosswhite

Bike Advocate – Lynn Pickard

Ad Hoc Ride Director – Bob Bogart

Web Master – Ian Norrish

Social Director – Lore Thorpe

Sponsor Rep – Shirley Knarr


Vice President – Pam Reynolds

Treasurer – Steve Gitomer

1. Winter ride schedule:

Month Starting Point

November: 599 Rail Runner Station

December: Eldorado Agora Center

January: Museum Hill

February: 599 Rail Runner Station

March: Eldorado Agora Center

2. Business decisions will be made by consensus unless no action can be taken

then Roberts Rules of Order will be followed

Discussion Items

1. The Clare Rhoades Special Event Award will be given each year to the Special Event


2. A committee will be formed to prepare for the club’s 20th year Anniversary. Edwin

will be looking for members interested in organizing this event in 2018.

3. There is interest in organizing as a 501 (c) 7 Non Profit or New Mexico Nonprofit

organization. Shirley and Lynn are responsible to find out what the filing

requirements are and draft articles and by-laws that meet those requirements.

Their report will be presented at the February Board meeting.

4. The club’s membership application will be removed from the SOB Web Site.

The Ride Waiver and information on how to become a member will stay on the


5. E-bikes will be allowed on SOB rides on a trial basis. Riders must ride with the

group and abide by all traffic rules.

6. The Web site survey results were presented to the Board and will be posted on the


7. Bob presented a proposal for sag support on selected rides. He will be working with

the Ride Leaders to select two rides next year to try it out.

8. The Board felt that it was not necessary for Ride Leaders to renew their certification.

It is recommend that all ride leaders take the recently designed Ride Leader Training

every three years and that a special time be given at the Ride Leader Planning meeting

to share ideas.

9. The off-road group organized by David Mainland will be an Ad Hoc ride.

10. The Board will recommend to the Ride Leaders that next year there only be:

A ride of 40+ miles, a B ride between 20 and 40 miles, and a C ride in the 20 mile range.

11. Ride speeds will be determined by Ride Leaders. The + and – sign will be for

relative speeds meaning the plus rides will be at a faster speed and the minus a

slower one.

12. Vanity Plates were discussed and members felt it was too time consuming to go through the

process and given the current financial status of the State that it would not pass the legislature.

13. All Board members will serve next year

Adjourned: 3:40 pm

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