SOB Info Notes

July 6, 2016

New starting point and all new rides on Thursday, July 7th. Rob Balcer, the B- Ride Leader is asking that his group meet at 7:30 in the DeVargas Center parking lot next to Office Depot for a carpool at 7:30. The drive from there to the Ojo Caliente Post Office is over an hour. The carpool is a good idea for all riders but parking is not a problem.

The Mid-Season Luncheon is on Thursday, July 21st. Eighteen have signed up and paid the $20.00 cover charge so far. The menu options include your choice of: Fajitas Al Estillo Chimayo, Picante Pequeno, Chicken Fajita Salada, Tostada, or Chile Relleno. All entrees include: Sapaipills and honey, coffee, tea, or soda with a dessert of Natillas, a traditional vanilla milk pudding. Alcoholic drinks are available at an additional cost.

Pactimo SOB clothing items that were ordered can be picked up at the sign in table. For anyone that missed ordering the first time, Pacitmo has agreed to reopen the team store on Friday July 8th.

The web site for the SOB Team Store is:

There is a Membership List for 2016 available at the sign-in table. Just ask Edwin if you want one.

A Traffic Skills 101 class is being planned for August 13 and 14. Details later.

The current Membership is 187.

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