SOB Info Notes for Aug. 30, 2016

The SOB official club photo will be taken on Thursday, September 1 at Caja del Rio Rec. Complex parking area before the 9:00 ride start time. Be sure to wear your club jersey fr this picture. Please bring an extra jersey to loan to members that do not have one for the picture only.

Speaking of jerseys, the second order has come in and Pam will be at the sign-in table with your order.

There will be a special Tuesday Ride on Sept.6th. Meet at San Felipe Casino parking area before 9:00 am. A carpool will leave DeVargas Center around 8:00.

Attention The End of the Season Award Luncheon this year will be on October 20th at 1:00. Since the group has grown we will be going to a different location which is the Pecos Trail Cafe on Old Pecos Hwy. The cost is $15.00 tax and tip included.

There is a Traffic Skills 101 class scheduled for September 24 – 25. TGaryhe class is limited to 12 people and you must pre-register with Gary Schiffmiller at:

Current membership is 203.

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