Eleven SOBs (Judy, Denise, Lore, Charles, Rob and Pam, Bill and Virginia, Betsy, Rubin and Jan) headed to Grand Junction, Colorado on Tuesday,  September 10th for three days of cycling.  The drive to Grand Junction was beautiful.  It took me to Durango where I followed the mountains up to Silverton, then over the Million Dollar Highway to Ouray.  It was breathtaking especially because it brought back memories of our Club ride in 2013 when we rode from Durango to Silverton, spent a night, then Silverton to Telluride in wind and rain, spent the night, then, Telluride to Cortez over Lizard Head Pass, spent the night and next day headed back to Durango.  We were exhausted but excited – we did it!

Grand Junction is situated in the Colorado River Valley surrounded by giant mesas, with Grand Mesa being the largest flat topped mesa in the world.  Our first day of cycling was a drive to the little town of Palisades for a fruit and wine tour.  Palisades is known for the delicious peaches grown there.  We had a wonderful ride – crossing the Colorado River twice and stopping for fresh fruit and wine along the way!  As we got back to our cars to load our bikes, there was suddenly thunder, lightning, the sky opened up and dumped rain.  We ran to a local lunch stop to wait out the rain.  Unfortunately Betsy and Rob were soaked.                                                                      .                                                                                             

Mt Garfield as seen from Palisades                                                                                       Judy as seen from a local fruit stand

The next day we did part of the Colorado River ride.  We rode up to the enterance of the Colorado National Monument.  This is where the Tour of the Moon begins its climb. As we rode back we found we had missed the turnoff to Fruta, a little town west of G Junction, so that would be our ride the next day.  It was a beautiful ride with a paved trail all the way along the river.  We saw Herons, south flying geese, and even hawks.

We had some lovely meals, got lost a few times and enjoyed each others company.  On Saturday, Charles and Rob rode the Tour of the Moon and both returned in good time with smiles a mile wide.  I want to thank Pam for all her work finding us route maps and Charles for helping me scout some of the rides and leading us on a fun adventure.  Thanks everyone!  It was a grand time!


                        The SOB Grand Junction “Gang”                                                                           Charles finishes the Tour of the Moon!-3 hours 47 minutes

       Judy, Bill, Denise,Rubin, Virginia, Charles, Rob and Betsy!



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