Calling All SOBs!  I know that many of us already donate to The Food Depot and I hope you will continue.  Our Food Depot makes a huge difference in the food security of our neighbors here in Santa Fe and in 9 Northern New Mexico Counties.  They need our help through donations of money.  Any amount will help.  Every dollar delivers 5 pounds of food.  If you donate, please indicate that you are a N-N (Neighbor to Neighbor member) SOB.  You can write it in the memo line of your check or on the donation slip for your credit card.  It is to say that the SOBs are partnering with The Food Depot during their fall fund raising.  Address:  Food Depot 1222 Siler Rd.  Santa Fe. 87507 or   click on take action and donate to Neighbor to Neighbor before Sept. 18th .      Thank you for your donation and to the Food Depot for helping our neighbors in this time of need.


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