Cities of Gold B

Date(s) - May 27, 2021
9:30 am

Rancho de Chimayo

For distance, GPS route, elevation gain, cue sheet - Click Here

RIde start changed to Rancho Chimayo.  Route changed to up from Chimayo toward 503, R on 503 to Nambe Dam Rd, U turn, return toward Chimayo, then go up to Cundiyo, back down and return to Chimayo.  Or whatever your ride leader wants to do.

Join the Ride - Instructions
Select the number of spaces you are reserving (1 or 2), then enter your FIRST name and optionally last name initial. If you are registering two people enter the second persons FIRST name. Enter your email address and enter the ride group C/B-/B/B+/A-/A using CAPITAL letters. Click Join the Ride to submit your registration. NOTE: names you enter will be visible to everyone so please do not enter your full last name. email address is not shown. Scroll down to see who has already registered. Your registration will show only after you refresh the page.

Bookings are closed for this event.

Current Attendees:
(refresh page (F5) to see your recent registration)


Charles Hertz  
Denise Maaranen  
Doug Frantz  
Doug Frantz  
Gary Goldstein  
Gary Katz  
Julee Armstrong  
Paul Murray  
Rob Balcer  
Rob Balcer  
Rob Lindbloom  
Scott Peterson  
Ted Lee  
darrel kruger  