Below the technical riding north rim in the GBP (Galisteo Basin Preserve) are miles of enjoyable less anxious cycling trails. A half dozen Off Road Seniors on Bikes Ken, Thomas, MarcoPolo, Adrian, Dan, Judy occasionally spend a couple hours repairing particularly badder trail destructions. Sunday morning among the equestrians and several family groups including youngsters on their 24 inch wheeled bikes, two merry band of Off Road pedaling mistrals worked one arroyo trail section.

With permission of the land manager, last year as a learning exercise and experiment, Adrian engineered a unique lattice and rock dam structure, which we had fun constructing across one small arroyo. Over the season we monitored the design and arroyo for wear and tear, and we have good news and we have bad news. The operation was a success, but the patient died. As is Southwest normal, monsoons create huge water volumes that quickly drain through arroyo systems. Neither good nor bad, it is what it is. We learn to work with nature and accept all trails are a work in progress. It is an outdoor serenade. Here you see how the monsoon waters diverted around both sides of the test structure worsening this section of trail with each storm. That’s Dan.

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Thirty minutes to remove the most excellent lattice dam structure, relocating THE mighty big boulder to protect largest washout. Those clouds look ominous. Can you say monsoon?


The arroyo shuffle a.k.a. packing dirt. The sky is getting darker and darker. Pick up the beat trail guy.


Dan’s yellow Pulaski, behind his elbow, marks where once stood THE mighty big boulder and Hadrian’s… Adrian’s Wall. At arroyo crossings we try to spread thus slow water, which drops sediment across and on tread before channeling again on the down hill side.

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Hey trail guy, where are we? A Seattle-type drizzle has started, soon to become… dare I say?

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