Edwin Crosswhite – In Memorium
I already missed Edwin but now it’s permanent. My first ride with the SOBs Edwin signed me in and warned me about riding up to Jacks Creek, he said young lady the last 2 miles averages 8% grade, I want you to know that! He was right but I went anyway.
Wow, soooooo sorry to hear about Edwin, he was an inspiration to me and a mentor for my group lead role. I often heard Edwin saying that riding is the best method to spiritual and physical well being. I will miss him dearly, we would often joke, when we would get a headwind, we would say “there’s an Edwin in front of us”
Very shocking and such sad news. It was always fun riding with Edwin, he was a wonderful guy and an outstanding leader, for the SOBs.
Edwin was the first person I met and got to know back a few years ago. He gave me the 5 minute safety rundown, and what to check on the bike before a ride.
He always had my back.
Edwin, we will miss you.
I was shocked and saddened upon receiving the news of Edwin’s passing. We had a long time cycling relationship being one of the three Musketeers (Bill Litzenberg, Edwin and myself). We rode every winter as long as the temperature was at least 32 degrees at ride time. We were younger and tougher then. Covid interrupted our cycling group and friendship. We spoke occasionally, the last time about 3-4 months ago. Edwin said he was getting back to cycling and would ride into town several time a week stopping at the Travel Bug for a special brew.
Edwin was a Bicyclist, a Leader, a Teacher and above all, a big hearted man – to all of us. I was shocked by the news but at the same time happy to learn that He and Yuko could make the choice they did.
One of my most vivid memories of Edwin was when he pulled up along side of me as we were biking on Bonanza Creek Rd. I was fairly new to the group. For the next 20 minutes, he gave me his undivided attention. He explained how he liked to get know each SOB by taking the time to talk to each individually. He felt until you did this, you wouldn’t know how truly impressive everyone was. I often think back to that time. This was a rare quality he had.
I will always remember Edwin’s kindness and open heart, just as many of the other SOBs do. He was such a big part of the organization when I joined. I am glad that we got to honor him during the pandemic with an award for his leadership.

Shocked and super bummed to hear of Edwin’s passing. We were always fond of Edwin and appreciated all his many efforts on the Club’s behalf. It was aways nice to see him with his little sign-up table for Thursday rides, funny how that sticks in the mind. In particular, I fondly remember several idyllic rides with him discussing all matter of issues (and having Fina coffee), especially an enjoyable long decent from La Monga Pass back into Chama on one of the Club trips a few years ago. His kind are rare and he will be missed – we will think of him on the rides we do in the years ahead.
Around 2007 an ad in the New Mexican, announced a meet up ride for potential new members of a club, the Santa Fe SOB‘s. I responded meeting Edwin in, of course, the parking lot of a coffee shop. After a short spin we had coffee. Edwin spoke not only of the joy to be had cycling but the opportunity to grow friendships. With this membership came the education Edwin was so good at sharing, ride safety courses and ride leader training. Meeting Edwin that morning was the beginning of my affair with cycling.
The most impressive memory I have is that awful accident day in Tucson several years ago. Edwin took control of the situation and acted as a father coaching us through the loss, uncertainty and the sadness of the moment. That evening we were still in a state of shock. Despite that Edwin urged us to go to dinner. Bonnie and I ended up sharing a table with Edwin and Yuko. Just the four of us and Edwin suggested I order a bottle of wine and I chose a Spanish Monastrel. He didn’t recognized it but said let’s give it a try. It turned out a nice wine. I am telling you this because Edwin was able to make us feel at peace with the situation as terrible and brain wrenching as it really was.
Sad indeed! I’ll always remember Edwin as an ebullient big hearted, open minded person. And, of course his devotion to bringing people and bicycling together was endearing. I suppose his absence these past years lessens the blow a little, just a little.
Edwin was great guy and really contributed to the SOBs
My first SOB ride was over 11 years ago, the Cochiti ride. I vividly remember Edwin yelling at me cause I was late (I arrived at the start time, never did that again). He later welcomed me and made me want to ride with the group on a continual basis. He mentored me, got me to be a ride leader, and got me to join the board. We had our differences, but it was all for a good cause.
Edwin set the stage for the SOB’s to become what we are and how we have continued to evolve, welcome new members, and enjoy our rides.
I missed him when he stopped participating and as many have said, we will miss him permanently now. RIP.
I’m a late addition to the SOB’s so I didn’t know Edwin all that well. I only rode with him in the B group for a brief time before Covid. When I started riding with the SOB’s he was welcoming and encouraging (as was the whole SOB culture).
Edwin, dear friend, leader, teacher, ambassador of kindly, community cycling, adios. Your friendly inspiration and joy of life moved us up cycling hills and other life journeys. We savor your legacy on the road and off. Rest in Peace.
I’ll never forget the joy I felt when I got my first crappy little bike as a kid. Sixty years later, it was rekindled when Edwin (and Steve Gitomer) invited me to join the SOBs. Edwin lived his life with that same joy, and shared it generously. I can touch it now whenever I think of him. I am blessed to have had him as a friend.
Edwin was a friend, a mentor and a cheerleader for our biking community. My sorrow is deep in losing him, but I am glad he got to decide his own destiny. He was a man of dignity, and strength, always looking out for others. When I think of all the ways he made our bike group work so smoothly and efficiently, I can only be grateful. We miss him.
After we moved to Santa Fe in 2013, we visited Spin Doc and learned about the SOBs through the flyer that Edwin had placed in all the sponsor bike shops. I had a schedule conflict on Thursdays, so we tried the Tuesday ride from deVargas instead. Little did we know that Tuesday rides were too aggressive for us. After the climb up Camino de Las Crucitas and Montoyas to Tano Road, I fell far behind. Edwin stayed with us and guided us to Camino La Tierra where he gave us directions back to the parking lot and took off to catch the group as they rode the las Campanas loop. I understand that he did catch the group, but he had to ride like the devil. The ride could have soured us on the SOBs, but Edwin’s generosity and suggestion to both stay for coffee with the riders and try a Thursday ride led to years of great biking experiences.
Edwin was the heart and soul of the SOBs. He was a unifying leader, a Recruiter and Educator Extraordinaire and a friend to all. He really wanted everyone to enjoy biking as much as he did.
Mike misses “Rasputin-time” with Edwin at Café Fina after rides, and now will miss them forever.
Edwin gained even more of my respect for having the courage to make the decision that he did. I always expected to see him on club rides again someday, but I believe he will be there in spirit and we will feel his presence.
My Uncle was Edwin, we always called him Uncle Ed. I have been reading these testimonies
about him and I do recognize this person by all your wonderful memories and so I’d like to share a few from before he entered your lives.
I may have had a part with his interest in biking. Back before he got into it he visited us in Saratoga CA. At the time I was a teenager in the 70’s and had become the owner of a basic steel frame 10 speed that another Uncle had won in a raffle. I don’t remember the brand but was nothing I had heard of before and had brazed lugs. I was much more into tinkering than riding so I sanded and repainted that frame more than a few times and I replaced the parts with then popular brands such as Campy derailleurs and Phil Wood hubs. It was always a heavy beast. But I had fun working on it. I showed Uncle Ed my bike and he showed some interest in ti. The next time I saw him he had bought one and was really getting into riding. We did a ride together and I had trouble keeping up. I never did stay with bikes especially after I got my license.
The other remembrance I have is back in 1976. He rode the Bikecentennial trail across the country. Ed and Yuko took me and my sister up the coast to Astoria, Oregon where he would start the ride by dipping his rear wheel in the Pacific. We had three 8 track tapes that were played over and over the roadtrip, Neil Diamonds Hot August Nights, Cat Stevens Teaser and the Firecat and one by Anne Murray. We did not get tired of them. He sent my sister postcards along the way and ended with him dipping his front tire in the Atlantic.
Ok one last one, did you know he drove a Porsche 912? it was green about a 65 or so. First time that I saw that you would wave to another Porsche driver. It was a cool car, he was recently married so I was getting to know him and found out he had been in the Navy, went to seminary school (he was going to be a priest?!) and also was part Native American and being the first white guy to marry into the family was also a new one for me.
I am so sad to hear of his passing. Thank you for letting me know just how much he touched your lives as he did mine.
May our paths cross again Uncle.