It’s still out there. When you submitted your Covid waiver you agreed to the following conditions. Please re-read and please adhere. Your fellow old people thank you.
By signing the below waiver I agree that I will adhere to the following requirements BEFORE participating in any group ride:
- I have not been exposed to a person who has tested positive for Covid-19 or has symptoms consistent with Covid-19 for at least 14 days BEFORE a ride.
- I agree to abide by any applicable New Mexico Public Health Order (PHO) requiring a quarantine period based on my travel outside NM and/or regarding wearing a mask and regarding any other requirements of any NM PHO.
- I do not currently have one or more of the following Covid-19 symptoms (fever above 100F, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, body aches, loss of taste or smell) AND I have been symptom free for at least 3 days (without fever reducing medication) AND it has been AT LEAST 10 days since my symptoms began.
- I have been fully vaccinated* . If not, I agree to wear a mask at all times during interaction with SOB riders, including while congregating at the beginning of a ride, when riding, at rest stops when congregated, and when dispersing, and I also agree to ride behind all other riders at all times.
*For our purposes, people are considered fully vaccinated after having received both the primary series of vaccines AS WELL AS ANY CDC-APPROVED BOOSTER OR BOOSTERS within 3 months of said booster being readily available in the Santa Fe area. Full vaccination is one week after all your booster shot(s). If you don’t meet these requirements, you are NOT fully vaccinated. (previously two weeks after primary vaccine series).
If I do not meet all of the above conditions I will not participate in any group ride.
While the above tries to spell out all the reasons not to ride, if you feel the least bit “under the weather” (fatigued, general malaise) then err on the side of caution for all of us and don’t ride with the group.