
If you have not picked up your SOB jersey that you ordered this summer please contact me. I will bring it to the ride on Thursday morning, for the photo shoot, but you might want to have it ahead of time. Pam

Tucson Bail Hearing

Brian Lynch, the driver who ran through the SOB riders in Tucson, is currently in jail with bail set at $1.5 million. He has a new attorney who is making another attempt to modify his release conditions, which will be heard on August 25. His previous attempt was...

Road Bicycle Tire Pressure

As a result of my recent post “Comfortable Riding”, I received numerous questions regarding bicycle tire pressure.  As the SOBs ride with a variety of tire sizes, the accompanying chart may be of some in determining your tire pressure.  For the sake of...

Tuesday Galisteo Basin Ride

On Tuesday August 16, Diane, Alan Wardlow, JP, Rich Reynolds, Steve Griego, and I rode in Galisteo Preserve in beautiful weather with near-perfect trail conditions. Starting at 8:30 and ending around 11, we were rolling for an hour and a half with nice breaks for...

Tucson Trial

The trial date for Brian Lynch, the driver of the truck who was responsible for the crash in Tucson, has been set for 8 days beginning February 7, 2017. Unless Mr. Lynch decides to plead guilty, it is likely that some of us would be subpoenaed as witnesses. So mark...