SOBs May Live Longer

This past week, newspapers reported published data from Mayo Clinic Proceedings of an extensive study in Denmark that found that people who were active in tennis, bicycling, swimming, and others lived longer than those who were sedentary. Those active in tennis and...

Mark your Calendar

The end of our scheduled Thursday rides is not all too far away THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25 !! After a fun fall ride we will gather to celebrate our biking season at THE PECOS TRAIL CAFE for a sumptuous Lunch, starting at 11:30 $20 per person. The Buffett will include a...

I am back….

Hi all, well I made it, just got back home last Saturday, thanks to the efforts of Rich, who drove down to the border to pick me up. Somehow my bike I named “Thumper” and my 68 year-old body my parents named “Ed” held together for the 2,532...

Construction on Hwy 14

There will be road construction (“pavement preservation”, whatever that means) on Hwy 14 between the Allsups at 599 and Lone Butte beginning September 4. This will not affect our ride on September 6, which starts in Madrid, but you may want to allow extra...

Wine and Chili Gran Fondo Sept 30

Discount for SOBs.  Save $25.   Makes the ride much more attractive.  See flyer for details on ride.  For discount, Your friends at the Santa Fe Wine and Chile Fiesta are offering a discount to SOB riders! Call the Santa Fe Wine & Chile office 5054388060 and...