by bobb | Dec 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
Holiday Party this coming Friday Dec 21. Be there or be square. See details in earlier blog posts. Mugs for sale. Prices vary. Join the SOBs for 2019 is now ready! Go to the website and click the appropriate link. We need a new waiver again this year (and we...
by Joe Shaffer | Dec 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
I found a floating bottle with a message in it from Bob who is somewhere in the Pacific on a warm, sunny Island… Due to cold temperatures and strong winds, the planned Thursday, December 13 ride in Albuquerque has been cancelled; and moved to January 2019. Bob...
by Joe Shaffer | Dec 10, 2018 | Uncategorized
The GFNY Santa Fe is June 23, 2019; and features both a Medium (55 miles) and Long (81 mile) distance. See the web link for all the details. The Long Course: The 81 mile Long course, with 7,500 feet of climbing, will crown the winners after...
by pollockb | Nov 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
No one can keep up with Judy Costlow, the volunteer who is everywhere. “10 Who Made a Difference” is an annual award made by the Santa Fe New Mexican to recognize the invaluable services that volunteers give to the community. Judy, who is also the...
by pollockb | Nov 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
This note is published at the request of SOB member Julie Jacobs it has come to my attention that some SOBs do not know how to change a flat tire. I do and will be glad to share what I know. Email me and we’ll set a date. if we get very...
by pollockb | Nov 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
I am posting the following at the request of member Julie Jacobs it has come to my attention that some SOBs do not know how to change a flat tire. I do and will be glad to share what I know. Email me and we’ll set a date. if we get very many...
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