by pollockb | Jan 15, 2019 | Uncategorized
This post made at the request of member Julie Jacobs. April 28th 2019 We are excited to announce the Tour of the Rio Grande Bicycle Century. We’ve got 39, 62, 78 and 100 mile routes and we’re geared up to please! What’s New! The Tour of the Rio...
by bobb | Jan 14, 2019 | Uncategorized Why It's Almost Impossible to Ride a Bike 60 Kilometers in One Hour...
by RichIrell | Jan 12, 2019 | Uncategorized
HB0192 5-Feet To Pass Please write your state representative and encourage him/her to support House Bill 192 which would mandate a safe pass distance of 5 feet.
by bobb | Jan 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
After consultation with our new ABQ ride expert, Mike D, we are going to start in ABQ on Thursday. (If you don’t want to drive, feel free to ride from 599). The ride will start from the Sandia RR station. (Note that this location is a change from prior...
by pollockb | Dec 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
The announcement of this great ride is presented by member Julie Jacobs. Julie rode in this ride last June and reports it was a great ride through beautiful country with rolling hills. RIDE THE ROCK, ROCK THE RIDE . Are you ready to kick off your 2019 season?...
by RichIrell | Dec 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
Good morning all! It was great seeing you all last night at the Potluck. We brought a crock pot of chili and somehow went home without our ladle. It’s a 4 oz. All-Clad, and it has “Irell” on a sticker around the handle. Please call or message...
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