SOBs can Help our Neighors

Calling all SOBs.  I know that many of you have contriuted to the Food Depot during our time of the Pandemic.  The SOBs have made a valuable contribution in helping our neighbors here in Santa Fe and 9 of our Northern Counties.  The Neighbor to Neighbor campaign ends...

Attention B Riders

This week’s ride, September 16, starts at 9:30 at Fort Marcy and will be the Campanas loop. Lynn Pickard is the leader. Next week’s ride, September 23, starts at 9:30 at Fort Marcy and will be the ski basin. Paul Murray is the leader. Please sign up on the website,...

Last call for volunteers for GFNY Santa Fe Sept 19

The ride / race needs volunteers.  The organization has offered to donate $50 to the SOBs for every person who volunteers.  If you volunteer you will get your 2022 membership for free.  They need flaggers / bike security at the finish / awards helpers (you don’t...

Saturday September 4 Ad Hoc

The ad hoc Saturday group is still taking advantage of great cycling weather.  This Saturday meets at the Cities of Gold parking lot, to ride the Espanola loop counter clock wise   This is a favorite ride for many.  Roll out is 8:30.  Please let me know, if you will...