Buffs / Gaiters

If you are a paid up SOB and you have not gotten an SOB buff (whether useless or useful), let us know and we will attempt to get one close to you for pickup.   Please fill out this form so we can get you more buff. Notice: JavaScript is required for this...

Sincere Cycles – new SOB sponsor

Welcome to Sincere Cycles, our newest SOB Sponsor.  Club members receive a 15% discount on full-priced parts and merchandise.  As with our other sponsors, sale items, bicycles, and labor do not receive the 15% discount. SINCERE CYCLES is located at 411 Water St.,...

Membership a/o Aug 3

Click here to download the current membership list.  If you are a ride leader please check that your riders are fully waivered, both the standard and Covid waiver (it would be nice if they paid too). The key to reading the list is below:

Riding While SOB

When SOBs are out riding their actions reflect on the club as a whole. The current public health order requires social distancing of six feet, groups less than five, and mask wearing when not eating, drinking, or swimming. Our Board has adopted policies and guidelines...

Membership July12

As of 11am Sunday.      SOBJuly12 Key:  (Some rows are grey, same as if white)