Dissertation Research Project

Hello – my name is Larry “Dave” Miller and I am currently working on my PhD in Performance Psychology at Grand Canyon University. The goal of my research project is to understand better how everyday recreational athletes feel about certain...

June 9 A/A- ride is White Rock Loop

Start time is 0930.  Meet at White Rock Smiths.  CCW.  Pajarito is an option for A, not for A-.  B+ riders are welcome to join A- ride.  Ride listing click here. Probably don’t want to try to go into Bandelier park as it will be quite busy and the last few times...

Tentative ride leaders for June

Here are the tentative ride leaders for June. Changes can be made without notice. June 2 Ft Marcy: B (Denise M); C (Ruben C)  A Christine A- Bob June 9 599: B (Rob B); C (Bill P) A ride is still TBD as to start location. June 16 Buffalo Thunder: B (Lynn P); C (Julie...

A ride May 26 CHANGED

We are not going to Mora, obviously.  New ride click here.  Your registration for Mora has been deleted.  Please re-register for May 26 at the link above.  Ride is about 45 miles, about 2300 ft.  Start time 0930.  Location SFCC (Santa Fe Community College)