SB Sunday ride

Right now Sunday looks better than Saturday.  Not canceling Saturday, just adding Sunday option.  DeV @ 11.  Guessing around 25-30 miles so plenty of time to make “the” game.

Feb 4 and Feb 5 energetic rides

The normal Feb 4 Saturday ride from ECA is unchanged.  Some of us plan to ride both Saturday and Sunday the 5th.  On Saturday we will do a shorter ride ~ 25 miles around Las Campanas.  On Sunday we will start at DeVargas at 1100 and do a bit longer ride in the 30 mile...

Thursday Feb 2 ABQ ride

Slowly emerging to see if I see my shadow.  Kinda scary out there.  Anyhow, if you are interested in a flat Bosque ride on Thursday we will start at the Alameda Open Space parking lot at 11am. ( )   Figure 30 flat miles.  Lunch at...

Ready, Set, Go…. Signup for 2023

Website is back online.  Thanks for your patience.  (Not really, but seems to be “de riguer” to put that in.) We are ready for you to sign up for 2023.  Have at it.  Let us know (admin at if you don’t get your waiver or PayPal email...

website blog post test

If you get an email from this blog post you can ignore it.  Or treasure it, as befits your mood. Still a few adjustments being made to the website if it looks odd.

Possible website downtime

I am in the process of making a few adjustments to the website, starting on Jan 24.  This may result in a day or two of downtime, not sure.  You should get another email when all is back up again or just keep checking if you get an error message.