Upcoming weekend energetic rides

First, it’s April.  Fooled you, a day early!   I’m really tired of being cold.  So Saturday April 1, delayed start, 1100 at ECA  ~ 48 @ start.   Or 1000 if you don’t read email (Adrian, Christine, …)  Loop ride – Jaguar, CCR, Alameda, LC, back via Caja. Sunday...

April rides and leaders

The April rides are posted on the website.  Time to sign up for riding.  Read the Ride Schedule page to understand how to do that if you don’t remember from last year.  Also time to renew your membership if you have not already done so. Tentative leaders are:...

Tour de Zona

Should have added this to the route post.  Sorry.  If anyone is interested in signing up for this 3 day ride out of Sierra Vista, AZ here’s the link:  https://eltourdezona.org/

Tour de Zona routes

For anyone interested I have copied the routes to our RWGPS site and organized them into an “event”.   It is located here:  https://ridewithgps.com/events/207278-el-tour-de-zona-2023 If you know how to load a GPS route to your head unit then have at it if...

Saturday Feb 25 ABQ energetic ride ALTERNATIVE

Not cancelling ECA ride but might not be very many folks there.  Not sure.  Since it will be a bit warmer in ABQ on Saturday we will start at Sandia RR at 1120.  Choice of drive or train down and back.  Train is due at Sandia at 1110.  Return leaves Sandia at 1530. ...

Someday it will be warm again, we think

NOTE: There are 2 posts in this email.  This is #1. In anticipation of pending warmth, we have posted the April rides on the website. We are still asking you to sign up for rides in advance.  Same process as last year.  You just have to read the website information. ...