Cochiti Loop ride Aug. 10th

Today was gorgeous.  All three groups got to ride the Cochiti/Santo Domingo Loop for the first time in three years.  The fields were green with corn as high as an elephant’s eye, well, a little elephant, and everyone seemed happy to see us.  As people passed us...

Cat-Ears for wind noise reduction

I noticed some riders at the luncheon wearing furry things on their helmets. I inquired and they are called Cat-Ears and are worn on your helmet’s strap in front of your ears in order to reduce wind noise. Never one not to try a new gadget I ordered them. My...

Cochiti Thurs ride loop possible

Ride Leaders: FYI about the route. On the way to ABQ today I drove the Cochiti ride. While Tent Rocks access is still closed, the road from the Visitors Center, through Cochiti and Kewa Pueblos was opened and the nice loop ride that we used to do is now possible....

Rider looking for support next week

I have pasted his email below.  Feel free to contact him if you have any interest.  He may also appreciate some folks to ride with him.  (yes there is a, I checked) Hello. I’m an old guy, 67, from deep south Texas; Harlingen. I’m coming to Santa...

August Ride Leaders

August 3, Espanola start: A Bob B; B Lynn; C TBD August 10, Cochiti: A Rich I; B Rob B; C Ruben C August 17, Bandelier from White Rock: A Boyd; B Lynn; C Judy August 24, Eldorado start: A Mark; B Ruben C; C Shirley August 31, Caja start (photo): A Christine; B Lynn; C...