Around the world rider lael Wilcox coming thru Santa Fe

Lael Wilcox a long distance endurance bike rider plans to come thru SF soon. She’s trying to set a new around the world record and is truly amazing. She started in Chicago, went east thru Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, and is now in the state of Washington....

Food Depot Neighbor to Neighbor

Hi All, I know a lot of you participate in the Food Depot’s Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign and I thank you very much.  It is a campaign dear to  my heart.  How can our State/Country have so many food insecure children, adults and elderly?  The Food Depot is...

Found:  1 pair of black Specialized cycling gloves at South Meadows school on 8/17/2024 after our ride.  They appeared to have fallen off someone’s car after the ride. John, 505-231-9341

C riders do the White Rock V2 loop.

Nine C riders rode the White Rock scenic loop on a gorgeous Thursday with just the right of wind to keep comfortable. The first segment of the ride was a five mile out and back on Route 4, planned to avoid the drop into Ancho Canyon. However our enthusiasm got the...