We are forecasting that temperatures will rise by April. So in anticipation we are beginning to plan for our 2022 Thursday season. If you are a certified SOB Ride Leader (you may also be certified as something else but that is of no consequence at this time) please fill out the form below and submit it to us. We will let you know on the blog or via email when the zoom ride leaders meeting will occur. You will also be contacted about which rides in April you have been selected to lead. April rides and other proposed rides are listed on this PDF, preliminary ride information for 2022. Please download it and have it available during the meeting. Thanks for your assistance. You are appreciated.
Regular riders NOTE: Yes it is time to join for 2022. No it is not yet time to sign up for Thursday rides. Any signups that occur between now and when it is time, will be deleted and a two ride penalty will be applied.