by Lynn P | Aug 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
Ride leaders for Thursday, September 1, are Lynn for B and Judy for C. Most of the rest are TBD. If you are trained as a leader and can lead a B or C ride in September, please contact j.costlow at gmail.
by Lynn P | Aug 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
Per Charles Bennett, due to downtown Indian Markets, the relaxed ride will roll out at 8:45 from the 599 train station, weather permitting.
by bobb | Aug 17, 2022 | News
Assuming it is not raining at the time. And please try to wear an SOB jersey if you have one. If it is raining we will find another day to do it.
by bobb | Aug 14, 2022 | News
Wednesday, August 31 FREE Virtual Program, 5PM MDT Open to the public but pre-registration is required. Almost half of households own a bicycle, far more than have a car. The Economist. As international travel and cycling are often found together, our upcoming...
by Julie Jacobs | Aug 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
The NM Touring society out of ABQ is hosting a ride in the El Malpais volcano area on Aug 27, 9:00 am. It sounds great if you like that type of scenery/terrain. 36/59 miles RT, no services, but at La Ventana arch at 36 mile turnaround there’s toilets and water. Meet...
by bobb | Aug 10, 2022 | News
At least for one week. This Saturday. From El Cam Academy. Hopefully easy, definitely short, 25 mile or so ride out 62 as we have done several times in the past. There will likely be a road ride as well from ECA on Saturday. So, your choice. Same start...
by MikeD | Aug 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
Several people have been asking me about the Albuquerque Railrunner ride. This coming Tuesday, August 16 looks like a good day. Temps should be in the 70’s – 80’s with very light winds. Plan is to start at the 599 RR station at 8:00am, ride to Abq and catch the...
by bobb | Aug 10, 2022 | Accident Alert, News
Going up the 599 frontage from So Meadow toward La Tierra yesterday. Several dogs came after us just before we got to the first Aldea entrance. A rider was seriously bitten and went to hospital. Animal control was contacted. BOLO in that area. Maybe stay away till...
by Lynn P | Aug 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
The start point for all groups for Thursday’s ride is the parking lot across from the pond. Take the second exit out of the traffic circle and drive north. The parking lot will be on the right side of the road and the pond on the left.
by Lynn P | Jul 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
The tentative ride leaders for August are: August 4 – A: John V; B Lynn P; C Lore T August 11 – A: John V; B Lynn P: C Julie J August 18 – A Rich I; B Rob B; C Lynn P August 25 – A Christine V; B TBD; C Shirley K
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