by bobb | Sep 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
A ride starts Bernalillo 550 Rail Runner station. 1000. B/C rides start Museum Hill. 0930 If you already signed up for the San Felipe ride you need to signup again. Or not. Personal choice.
by RichIrell | Sep 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
Just called San Felipe Pueblo, and by some miracle, someone picked up the phone. I was informed that the Pueblo is still closed to non-Tribal members, so the 9/15/2022 rides will need to be changed.
by bobb | Aug 31, 2022 | News
If interested show up. Usual start location. Parking lot just when Ojo De La Vaca turns to dirt. Due to increasing wind, possible parking problems, let’s start at 0900. Saturday ad hoc road rides are unchanged unless Joe changes something without a blog...
by Lynn P | Aug 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
Tentative 1: A-Guy B; B-Lynn P; C-Judy C 8: A-John V; B-Lynn P; C-Ruben C 15: A-Rich I; B&C-TBD 22: A-Bob B; B-Paul M; C-Julie J 29: A-Mike D; B-Ruben C; C-Judy C & Julie J
by bobb | Aug 29, 2022 | News
ok, September starts on Thursday but anyway. Ride Leaders sign up for Sept rides to lead. Start times for all September rides will be 0930 except for long drives which will be later. Yay! To make up for the rain-out, we will take a group photo at the Sept 1 ride at...
by Lynn P | Aug 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
Ride leaders for Thursday, September 1, are Lynn for B and Judy for C. Most of the rest are TBD. If you are trained as a leader and can lead a B or C ride in September, please contact j.costlow at gmail.
by Lynn P | Aug 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
Per Charles Bennett, due to downtown Indian Markets, the relaxed ride will roll out at 8:45 from the 599 train station, weather permitting.
by bobb | Aug 17, 2022 | News
Assuming it is not raining at the time. And please try to wear an SOB jersey if you have one. If it is raining we will find another day to do it.
by bobb | Aug 14, 2022 | News
Wednesday, August 31 FREE Virtual Program, 5PM MDT Open to the public but pre-registration is required. Almost half of households own a bicycle, far more than have a car. The Economist. As international travel and cycling are often found together, our upcoming...
by Julie Jacobs | Aug 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
The NM Touring society out of ABQ is hosting a ride in the El Malpais volcano area on Aug 27, 9:00 am. It sounds great if you like that type of scenery/terrain. 36/59 miles RT, no services, but at La Ventana arch at 36 mile turnaround there’s toilets and water. Meet...
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