by Shirley Knarr | Oct 2, 2022 | Uncategorized
Ron, a former SOB member passed away Friday, September 30th. He was a C rider, known for his loud “Car Back” warnings. He hasn’t ridden with us for a couple of years as he battled lung cancer. He died Friday of sudden heart failure.
by bobb | Sep 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
Welcome to fall. Most rides will start at 1000. Except those that don’t. Ride Leaders, please sign up here.
by Julie Deery | Sep 30, 2022 | Uncategorized
I have started to put up the tiles, mandalas and birds. I am looking for volunteers to come on Sunday and Monday, October 2nd and 3rd from 9am-3pm. I will have all the supplies. Bring water, sun screen, and a snack. The mural is located just north of Siringo Road on...
by Lynn P | Sep 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Time: 9:30am Place: Fort Marcy parking lot on Murales Distance: 32 miles but plenty of places to bail Please sign up on the website for the Sandia ride and label it with a B. You will get a confirmation for Sandia, which you should ignore. The ride starts as noted...
by MikeD | Sep 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
I didn’t realize it was against club protocol to change a scheduled ride so forget the last email I sent out.I will plan on leading the posted A ride on SOB website Ride Schedule.Mike D.
by MikeD | Sep 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
I’d like to try the Bike In Coffee ride again since it wasn’t open last time and lots of people wanted a redo when it was. It will be open this coming Thursday and owners said they’d love us to visit. Same start time: 10:00amHere’s RWGPS:...
by Judy Costlow | Sep 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
On a bike path surrounded by 14,000 ft mountains near Frisco, Colorado Twenty-five SOBs went to Frisco, Colorado on Sept. 12th-16th, staying in The Frisco Lodge on Main St.. Fall was in the air, as was some rain. We biked to Breckenridge,...
by inorrish | Sep 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
It is happening again. After a good bike ride, we will get together October 27th at Hidden Mountain Brewery, (4056 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe NM. 87507) @ 12:30 for a delicious lunch and some fun times together. Please do make your reservation prior to October 25th. by...
by Lynn P | Sep 13, 2022 | Uncategorized
We don’t have ride leaders for these rides. Three people have signed up for the B and one for the C as of Tuesday evening. If these rides happen, they will be ad hoc. You are on your own!!!
by bobb | Sep 9, 2022 | Uncategorized
A ride starts Bernalillo 550 Rail Runner station. 1000. B/C rides start Museum Hill. 0930 If you already signed up for the San Felipe ride you need to signup again. Or not. Personal choice.
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