Holiday Markets Galore on Saturday Dec. 3rd

If anyone is interested in biking and holiday shopping, there are planty of opportunites. First off the one that I am in! There is a Scrooge Sale in Galisteo at the community Center. Starts at 10 am -4pm. Free coffee, free hot cider, plenty of baked goods and...

Española Loop

Weather looks nice in Española this Thursday, Dec 1 with a high of 57 and light winds. I’m planning an outing there more to see if I can finally conquer the La Cocina burger than the ride. With the thanksgiving stomach stretching and riding 40 miles it could happen....

Upcoming Time Change, Bonus Rides

Given the current weather, ride times will change to 11am effective Monday Nov 21 for all rides going forward. Bonus energetic Saturday ride from Sandia RR station at 11am.  See details in the following post. Bonus energetic Monday ride from DeVargas at 11am  Supposed...

BosqueRideBikeandCoffee Sat 11/19/22

Ride Saturday, 11/19/2022, on the Bosque trail in Albuquerque.  Départ from the Sandia Train Station at 11AM.  Route will take us to the Bosque trail head on Alameda.  Total distance will be 42 miles with options for less.  We’ll stop at Bike and Coffee on the return...

Gravel Ride for 11-16

Start at the Richards Road Trail Head at 11:00 AM. We will ride this single track towards the Rail Trail and head south for an out and back ride. Any questions either text me at 505-979-4802 or email is  ...

Final Membership Report for 2022

We have 188 members in good standing for 2022, meaning they have submitted both waivers and paid or are life members. We will reopen membership signups in early 2023.  We are planning to have only one waiver and some different payment options.  Stay...

Tuesday Nov 15.

Ride from Sandia RR at 11am. Supposed to be 42.  Little wind. 33 miles to Paseo de La Mesa and back.  Mostly trails.