Bill Pollock

Hi Everyone, An update on Bill.  Bill did end up in the hospital for two days after the fall in Pecos.  He needed to be checked out thoroughly. He is now home as of yesterday (Saturday).  He cannnot drive and needs to heal!!  So, send him an email, call or even send a...

Ahh Summertime(s)

Where is the monsoon when you need it?   Anyhoo, we are going to start 30 min earlier effective Sunday July 9. Sunday July 9 ad hoc and all subsequent July rides will be 0830 or later if out of town.   Will reassess August at the end of July.  Stay...

SOB Memory Ride 2023

Today a large group(s) of around 30 riders, widely spaced on the narrow road, cycled from the Pecos Ranger station towards Terraro, for the annual SOB Memory Ride. The ride out was done in silence (apart from the shouting of car warnings) and was a pleasant gently...

Gravel/Mountain Bike Ride

Gravel/mountain bike ride on Saturday, 7/8/2023, 8:30 am on the Rail Trail from the Rabit Road trailhead to Lamy and back. About 28 miles round trip.  Call 505-231-9341 if you have questions.

Pecos B rides

I will be leading the B ride. Rob will lead the B- ride. Rob’s ride will go to Terrero. My ride usually goes to the campground, but sometimes to Cowles, and sometimes all the way up to Jack’s Creek. It’s an out and back, so one can turn around at any...

SOB Summer Luncheon Update from Lore

Mark your calendar!! We are gathering for our Summer Luncheon at RANCHO DE CHIMAYO, Thursday July 20th @ 12 Noon. After a fun bike ride we will be enjoying a delicious lunch and some social time. Please make your reservation before Monday July 17th, by entering your...

Advice from Ruben C

On Thursday, the temps will be around in the 90’s, so riders should be reminded to bring extra water, drinks and carry protein bars. Winds at 15-20 MPH +/-