Start Times for June

For ad hoc.  Relaxed group will start at 0830.  Energetic group will start at 0900 at least through June 15.  Any changes will be communicated via the blog. For Thursday.  B and C groups and A group will start at different times, basically the A group will start 30...

Need C Ride Leader June 7th

Hi Everyone, I am scheduled to lead the C ride on June 7th from Pecos.  I fell and broke two ribs and have been told not to ride for a few weeks.  Is there anyone who could take my place?  Let me know – Judy   Thanks.  ...

Rabbit Road Bypass Opening

I got down to the new road a couple days ago and shot a vid of the new road if you are interested:

Texas 4000 Riders Arrive June 1

On Saturday, June 1, the Texas 4000 riders arrive in Santa Fe.  The riders are upper division and graduate students at the University of Texas in Austin. They ride from Austin to Anchorage, Alaska, stopping briefly on their route. This year, the group is in Santa Fe...

May 16th Villanueva B ride Canceled

The Thursday weather forecast is a 70% chance of rain. Since it is an in and out ride with no opportunity for shelter and a very long drive to Villanueva, caution dictates we scrub the ride. Be safe, G1