Take the Next Step in the Bicycle Friendly Community process!

The Fall 2017 BFC review process is now officially underway, and we look forward to working with you in the coming months as we review your community’s application materials.

To help us gain a better understanding of local bicyclists’ experiences in your community, we would greatly appreciate your help distributing the following public survey link so that members of your community can provide their input as well.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BFC_FA17_SantaFeNM

Please distribute this link as broadly as possible. The survey will remain open through September 30.

If you applied to the BFC program in the past, you may recall that we used to have a voluntary “Local Reviewer” sign up process to seek local input. We have recently moved to this new method of involving communities and local bike advocates in the distribution of the local review survey, and have seen a great increase in participation as a result.

We have also changed our local review survey to align with questions from the 2012 NHTSA Attitudes and Behaviors survey so that our local review process can give us, and you, an understanding of how your community compares to a nationally representative sample of citizens. You can find anexample of how we provided survey results from over 12,000 people who completed the survey last fall in our recent blog.

While strongly encouraged, distributing this survey link is not required. Your community will not be judged on the number of responses received. This survey is meant to provide context for our review team’s award decision-making process, as well as valuable feedback to you from bicyclists in your community.

If you are interested in using League of American Bicyclists or Bicycle Friendly America logos or other branding when you distribute the survey, high quality logos are available on our media page and we have a branding guidebook that provides ideas on how to successfully use our logos in communications.

You will hear news of the results of your BFC application in late October, and Bicycle Friendly Community Awards will be announced in November.

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