This message from Bicycle Coalition of New Mexico (BCNM) via Lynn Pickard.   Saturday Feb 13th is Bicyclist & Motorcyclist Day at the Legislature in Santa Fe. Please stand with us.

Calling all bicyclists to Make your Voice heard at a Rally at the Roundhouse!


Meet at Bike N Sport, 524 W Cordova Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87505, at 11:15 am February 13, 2016, for free pizza and drinks, courtesy of BikeABQ and BCNM.

Ride to the NM State Capitol Roundhouse, 490 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe, NM 87501 led by BCNM board members for a rally with motorcyclists, starting at 12:15.

BCNM will provide information on Complete Streets and NMDOT’s fatal policy of Partial Paving for cyclists to leave at her/his legislator’s office, preferably with a note that she / he would like to meet after the session ends.

More information on Partial Paving in NM is at and Complete Streets at or

Please wear your SOB, BCNM, BikeABQ, or TORGV gear!

Questions? Call Diane Albert at 505.235.2277 or e-mail or Lee Ratzliff at 505-659-5569 or

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