Please come out to City Hall this Wednesday night, 6:30, as representatives of the cycling community concerned about the  institutional bias on the part of law enforcement and the courts against cyclists (and some would also include pedestrians) and in favor of motorists.  We want to show that we are strong, concerned and committed group of citizens who have a serious issue and we expect this to change.

We will be gathering at City Hall on Wednesday evening to address briefly, our concerns to the new City Council.  We have 2-3 minutes during “Petitions from the Floor” which comes early in the session.
Carl Gable has volunteered to act as spokesperson supported by Bike Santa Fe which is our local bike advocacy organization.  The rest of us will stand, either behind him or throughout the audience.  We suggest small 8 1/2″ x 11″ signs to hold that may say “I was hit -(date, place or injury”) or “I’m Afraid to Ride in SF”, etc.   Letters need to be 2-3″ tall to be legible so it has to be brief.
If we can get it out there, we plan to have a brief press conference outside City Hall at 6:30 where we can provide a more detailed statement and perhaps some of the victims will speak about their experiences.  We will then meet inside the chambers between 6:30 and 6:45 to get seats.
There appears to be a need for education and awareness raising within the enforcement and judicial entities immediately, and a further need for better education and awareness for drivers.  Bicyclists and motorists must have equal protection as we must co-exist in this community.
Jennifer  Wellington
Secretary for Bike Santa Fe

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