We have a draft 2019 Bicycle Master Plan open for 30 day public comment.  You may download via the links below or go to www.santafempo.org

I have also included a copy of the 2019 Santa Fe Bike Week Schedule attached or for download http://bti-marketing.com/downloads/BTWW-Event-Poster042219a-CMYK.pdffor more details go to www.Santafebikeweek.com

The schedule for plan adoption by the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board is as follows:

May 11th– 19th Santa Fe Bike Week – Draft will be available during multiple events for public review

May 15th– Request for the City’s Bicycle Trails Advisory Committee to formally recommend draft document for approval by MPO Policy Board (5PM City Hall)

May 23rdSanta Fe MPO Policy Board provided updates as to draft review (5PM Market Station Offices)

May 30thEnd of 30 Day Public Review

June 27th– Transportation Policy Board Request for Approval and Adoption Public Meeting (Market Street Station Offices/500 Market St Suite 200 Above REI)

BMP draft (print): http://santafempo.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SFM-BMP-draft-190423-reduced.pdf

Please contact me if you have any questions.

  • Erick J. Aune, AICP
  • Santa Fe MPO Officer
  • 505.955.6664
  • www.santafempo.org
  • 500 Market St, Suite 200
  • Santa Fe, NM 87501


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