If there are people you know that would benefit from riding a bicycle but need to get in shape or are a bit intimated by a large group such as the SOBs then this is a great opportunity for them. The Basic Biking class is the same one that we did last year.

This 10 week course will be taught by Edwin Crosswhite, a League Certified Instructor (LCI #221). Edwin taught 30 years as a public school teacher and has 45 years of experience training bicyclist of all ages to improve their skills. Julie, Judy, Lynn and Ruben will be assisting him if needed.

The first class will be offered on Thursday, April 2, 2020. These classes will be at the same time and place as the SOB Thursday rides and designated as Group D at the sign-in table. Participants must be 50 years of age or older and a current SOB member. Riders will need a bike in good working condition and a proper fitting helmet.

The material taught will follow the League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling curriculum. These lessons will be very basic starting with helmet and bike fit, the ABC Quick Check, through bike handling and group riding skills. Each 20 minute lesson will be followed by an organized small group ride of two miles. Over the 10 weeks the riding distance will increase to 20 miles. The intent is for you to feel confident riding with the C Group.

If you are interested or know of anyone that would benefit from this type of program, please have them e-mail me at: ecrosswhite@cybermesa.com.

I am looking forward to their participation.

Edwin Crosswhite LCI 221

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