Fall Colors

For those of you wishing to see the fall colors WITHOUT a serious climb, you may wish to try the Paseo Real –> Los Golondrinas –> Los Pinos Road Loop.  Quite nice regardless of which way you may choose to ride.

Moving On

I would like to let all of my SOB friends know that I am leaving Santa Fe.  I have decided to move to the Tucson area.  More specifically, I will be moving to a community located in Marana, Arizona at Dove Mountain. I will long remember the many rides that I rode and...

Tucson Trial Update

Brian Lynch, the driver of the vehicle involved in the March, 2016 crash in Tucson, has accepted a plea agreement.  Therefore, the trial, which was scheduled to begin August 1st, has been vacated.  A Sentencing Hearing has been scheduled for August 25th.  Without...

Mark Warchol Update

Greetings to all and a belated Happy New Year! I want to thank everyone for the great support that I have received from members of the SOB community as I recovered from my accident.  Whether it was with meals (What a talented bunch of chefs we have among us!) or with...

Winter Riding

As someone who rides through the winter months, I am always on the lookout for winter bicycling clothing to keep me warm.  I recently came across an interesting pair of pants that those who ride through the winter months might wish to consider.  You can find the find...