B rides Thursday start at 599

The B group will ride to Galisteo or Madrid and back. The B- group will ride up the West Frontage Road to the Outlet Mall and then around Rancho Viejo. 10 am start at the 599 RR station parking lot off Veterans Highway.

April 21 B and C rides (and A ride)

The B ride leaders think that the state road is open through (not into) the Pueblo and are planning to do the route listed on the website with a B- ride going 30 miles including a stop at Starbucks for coffee and a B ride doing the full 40 miles. At least that is the...

Updated tentative ride leader assignments

Here are the tentative ride leader assignments for the last of April and all of May. Changes may be made without notice. April 21: A- (Rich I); B (Monica S); B- (Ruben C); C (Shirley K) April 28: A- (Christine VD); B (Paul M) B- (Michael H); C (Lynn P) May 5: A- (Rick...

April 2 B ride (ad hoc)

This Saturday will be April and the SOB season is about to begin. Let’s meet in Lamy, cycling to Galisteo (7 miles) then on 42 to 14 (10 miles). This is about 34 miles round trip.  The new roll time will be 10:00.  Let others know you will be joining this ride....