August ride leaders

The tentative ride leaders for August are: August 4 – A: John V; B Lynn P; C Lore T August 11 – A: John V; B Lynn P: C Julie J August 18 – A Rich I; B Rob B; C Lynn P August 25 – A Christine V; B TBD; C Shirley K

Saturday July 9 B Ride

Per Denise Maaranen:  The riders who have been riding the Saturday B ad hoc rides would like to meet at 599 rolling at 8:45 July 9. Ride to be decided.

Thursday July 7 B and C Rides

Will start at 8:30 instead of 9 at Fort Marcy (B goes to Rio en Medio, C to Rancho Encantado). A ride start remains at Truchas at 9. The pickle ball guys are using a lot of the area that we usually park in. If it’s full, there are more lots on Murales up on the hill...