September 15 B and C Rides

We don’t have ride leaders for these rides. Three people have signed up for the B and one for the C as of Tuesday evening. If these rides happen, they will be ad hoc. You are on your own!!!

Ride leaders for September

Tentative 1: A-Guy B; B-Lynn P; C-Judy C 8: A-John V; B-Lynn P; C-Ruben C 15: A-Rich I; B&C-TBD 22: A-Bob B; B-Paul M; C-Julie J 29: A-Mike D; B-Ruben C; C-Judy C & Julie J

September ride leaders

Ride leaders for Thursday, September 1, are Lynn for B and Judy for C. Most of the rest are TBD. If you are trained as a leader and can lead a B or C ride in September, please contact j.costlow at gmail.

Buffalo Thunder start

The start point for all groups for Thursday’s ride is the parking lot across from the pond. Take the second exit out of the traffic circle and drive north. The parking lot will be on the right side of the road and the pond on the left.