C Ride to Start in Galisteo Aug.5th

C riders will also start in Galisteo this Thursday.  We will ride out Highway 41 towards Stanley for 10 miles and back.  The pavement is new and there is a shoulder.   Park between the church and the small park.  See you at 9:15 am. If you already signed up for the...

Food Depot Neighbor to Neighbor

Calling All SOBs!  I know that many of us already donate to The Food Depot and I hope you will continue.  Our Food Depot makes a huge difference in the food security of our neighbors here in Santa Fe and in 9 Northern New Mexico Counties.  They need our help through...

C Ride on July 15th

The C riders will meet at Ft Marcy on July 15th for a ride TBD, ready to roll at 8:30.The Folk Art Market is in full swing and we cannot ride around there.So, we are not going to Cafe Fina.  It could be a time to explore some new trails.  Join us!