C ride on Thursday, June13th

Hi all C riders;  The ride on Thursday, the 13th starts at Buffalo Thunder Casino- Park and Ride area.  It will go out to the Ranger Station at the enterance of the Nambe Falls, and return.  It is 23 miles.  It is a lovely ride and does have some shade.  Please sign...

Need C Ride Leader June 7th

Hi Everyone, I am scheduled to lead the C ride on June 7th from Pecos.  I fell and broke two ribs and have been told not to ride for a few weeks.  Is there anyone who could take my place?  Let me know – Judy  j.costlow@gmail.com.   Thanks.  ...

SOB Annual Tour

Our SOB annual cycling trip will be in September from the 10th to the 15th.  We will go to Grand Junction, Colorado on Tues.Sept.10 and leave on Sunday, Sept 15th.  Our tour will coinside with Grand Junction’s annual Tour of the Moon on the 14th, so for those...

Ruben Cedeno Appointed to TAC

Ride Leader and SOB Extraordinaire, Ruben Cedeno, has been appointed to the county Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC), making an opportunity for the SOBs to have input related to traffic safety and pathways.  Here is a quick summary of what the purpose of TAC is and...