Report from the dark side

While most of you have been speeding down smooth roads at 10-25 mph dodging potholes and cars while fighting the wind, we off-roaders have been dodging rocks, gravel, loose dirt, tight turns, mud, horse manure, cactus, etc. at 5-6 mph. It doesn’t sound so great, but...

Tuesday in Galisteo Basin

Another beautiful morning in the Galisteo Basin Preserve! Diane, Tom, Mark R, JP, and I started off from Cowboy Shack after admiring Mark’s new bike and talking to some senior equestrians who also seem to be Tuesday regulars. Unfortunately JP had to turn around...

Tucson Bail Hearing

Brian Lynch, the driver who ran through the SOB riders in Tucson, is currently in jail with bail set at $1.5 million. He has a new attorney who is making another attempt to modify his release conditions, which will be heard on August 25. His previous attempt was...

Tuesday Galisteo Basin Ride

On Tuesday August 16, Diane, Alan Wardlow, JP, Rich Reynolds, Steve Griego, and I rode in Galisteo Preserve in beautiful weather with near-perfect trail conditions. Starting at 8:30 and ending around 11, we were rolling for an hour and a half with nice breaks for...