Blog email subscriptions

If you are getting the blog emails, then there is no reason to subscribe again unless you want to change your email address in which case you want to “manage” your subscription.  If you are not getting the blog emails, you can ignore this message.

Joining for 2024

It’s basically the same as in prior years.  If you got your membership card then you are done.  If not then read further.  (We have 6 folks who have submitted waivers but not paid.  We have 2 who have submitted payment but not the waiver.) If you did everything...

Thanks, but …

We received lots of attention to the Join contest.  Thanks for that.  However, a number of you paid but did not submit your wavier.  For full entry into the contest we need both the payment and the waiver.  I guess I forgot to indicate that in yesterdays message but I...

Your lucky day

Be the first on your block to join the SOBs for 2024. Prizes are limited to the first 500 who join on January 26. First prize:  No cost ride led by Judy. Second prize:  No cost ride led by Lynn. Booby prizes:  Ride led by Bob, but you have to buy him a beer at the...

Thrs Jan 18 route if anyone cares

Mike waved us off of Paseo de la Mesa so we are doing a loop, going up Tramway first. Hopefully Bike Coffee will be open when we get there.